Compare the Sleep Apnea Oral Device vs. CPAP
Have you given up on a CPAP because you just couldn’t get used to it? That’s your choice, but it’s a potentially dangerous one. Your sleep problems won’t go away on their own. Leaving sleep apnea untreated only worsens the issue and puts you at an even higher risk of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
How does a Sleep Apnea Oral Device compare to a CPAP?
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The oral appliance and CPAP, they both work to treat sleep apnea, but they do work in different ways.
The CPAP, it does work very well. Sometimes patients love it. Sometimes they can't tolerate it. Sometimes they don't want to do it. It is a bit more intrusive. It's a big mask. It's the air hose. It's continuously blowing air all night long, and the way that it works is to prevent the airway from collapsing because you've got a jet stream of air going down the back of the nasal passage and keeping the airway open. They can titrate that to get the right level of flow to make sure the airway doesn't collapse. That's how that works. The oral appliance works differently. It actually pops in, slightly shifts the mandible forward a few millimeters, and that's enough to prevent the tongue and the soft tissues from collapsing into the airway.
They work very differently, but they both work very well, and we want to help you find the best treatment for you. If you need a CPAP, then by all
means, we're going to recommend that you go see the sleep physician and get fitted with one. If for whatever reason that doesn't work for you, then it's better to come back and try an oral appliance than to not be treated at all.
For people who have less severe forms of sleep apnea, the medical recommendation is that patients should be able to choose between an oral appliance and a CPAP if they have mild or moderate sleep apnea, so a lot of times, patients are going to want to go straight for the oral appliance just because of all the benefits and how convenient, how easy it fits into their lifestyle, et cetera, and it works really, really well.
At Better Sleep Carolina, we’re committed to treating sleep apnea as noninvasively as possible. We want our patients to be as comfortable as they can be while they sleep.
Our sleep apnea oral device is a comfortable treatment method that alleviates your symptoms. It can be used anywhere since it requires no electricity or batteries. We’re happy to assess you and determine if you’re a good candidate for sleep apnea treatment with an appliance. We offer many types of appliances to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness. Call 984-217-1614 to schedule a complimentary consultation.
In the past, the CPAP machine was the most widely used sleep apnea treatment, but the oral appliance has become a popular option for patients who have obstructive sleep apnea. The ADA, which approved oral appliance therapy (OAT) for treating sleep apnea in 2017, stated that “dentists are the only health care provider with the knowledge and expertise to provide OAT.”
SomnoMed What is COAT

The major differences between a CPAP and an oral appliance include the following:
- The sleep apnea oral device is similar in look and feel to an athletic mouthguard. It keeps your airway open by gently moving your jaw.
- The sleep appliance is our preferred method to treat patients suffering from the most common form of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea.
- Our patients tell us an oral appliance relieves their symptoms and allows them to rest soundly throughout the night.
- A CPAP works by using a machine, hose, and mask. While an oral appliance effectively treats obstructive sleep apnea, a CPAP remains the primary treatment for those suffering from central sleep apnea.
Our trained dentists can determine if you have sleep apnea, and which type, with help from our local health care partners. Your testing and treatment can be done in the privacy of your own home, so it’s completely hassle-free. After wearing a sleep appliance for just a few days, you’ll notice improvements. You’ll also lessen your risk of developing major health problems!
If restless sleep or loud snoring are affecting your quality of life, or if you can’t stand your CPAP, call us right away at 984-217-1614 to request your complimentary sleep apnea consultation.